House Rules


1.1 Arrival time is from 14H00 only on date of arrival and departure by latest 10H00 on date of departure (Mon - Sat). Sunday departure by the latest 14H00.

1.2 No smoking are allowed inside the Cabin.

1.3 Towels, bedding, linen and mattresses may not be used outside or at the pool, lagoon or beach areas.

1.4 Domestic refuse must be sealed in black refuse bags and left at the entrance to erven for collection before leaving.


2.1 No dogs or cats or any other pet that is detrimental to wildlife are allowed.

2.2 The feeding of stray dogs and cats is prohibited and the presence of such animals must be reported to the caretaker.

2.3 Milkwood trees are protected by law and may not be removed, cut or pruned without written permission from Meerenbosch Homeowners Association (the Association will obtain and issue the necessary permit).

2.4 Wildflowers are protected by law, and may not be picked, damaged or dug up.

2.5 Birds and animals may not be disturbed or caught.

2.6 Air guns, catapults (“ketties”) and bow and arrows (including cross bows) are prohibited.


3.1  No person (including children of all ages) shall cause a noise, or allow a noise to be caused, that a reasonable person will find intolerable.

3.2   No person (including children of all ages) shall cause a noise, or allow any noise to be caused, between 10 PM and 8 AM that is of inconvenience to other people.

3.3 No two wheel motorcycles (scramblers), three wheel motorcycles (choppers) or four wheel motorcycles (quad bikes) are allowed. The caretaker may use a motorcycle discreetly in fulfillment of his duties.

3.4 The firing of crackers (“klappers”) and ignition of fireworks is prohibited.


4.1 Camping in caravans, motor homes or tents is prohibited on common erven.

4.2 Common roads may not be blocked in any way.

4.3 The speed limit on common roads is 20 km/h.

4.4 A two wheel motorcycle (excluding a scrambler) may be driven from the Middlevlei entrance gate to the applicable erf where it shall be parked at all times until being driven back to the entrance gate.


5.1 A maximum of four (4) tenants (children included) are allowed in a single storey house.

5.2 Maximum two (2) vehicles per house are allowed for tenants.

5.3 Short term tenants may not receive day visitors.